Friday, May 12, 2006

Blow Hard

I'm sitting here listening to Tony Blankely on the "News Roundup" on NPR's Diane Rehm's show. I think that the point of current political commentary (maybe this has been true all along, but I've only been listening for about 8 years now and of course, it's all about me) is to be the last one talking.

I am reminded of a game that we play in youth ministry. You clear everything off the top of a table and put a bunch of ping-pong balls in the middle of it. Everyone gathers 'round and at the signal, you start blowing as hard as you can to push the balls off the table. Every ball that goes over the edge is reckoned as a point for you. You blow so hard in this game that you get dizzy and the spectacle of people turning purple and blue and blowing inches away from a competitor is truly a bonding experience.

So, as I was listening to Mr. Blankely I thought to myself, "What a blow hard." And then I realized that I was completly in error. He is not a blow hard. He is a blow harder.

God save us all.

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