Monday, January 09, 2006

Connect the Dots?

You know that saying, "Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get you"?

I think this applies to me in light of the news that New York Times reporter David Rosenbaum has died from injuries suffered in a sidewalk mugging over the weekend.

Color me skeptical.

Today, Samuel Alito is going before Congress and David Rosenbaum has authored or co-authored a few articles about him and other figures and events in Washington politics over the years.

He was attacked from behind, his wallet was taken (but not other valuables?), and some folks in the area have reported that his attackers got into and out of a dark vehicle.

Am I just paranoid and prepared to believe the worst? I hate to be overly suspicious and looking for Republican stooges behind every bush (ha!), but the climate of wiretapping, overstepping boundaries of one's office, and an almost blinding need to have everything go the way one wants, I am not terribly optimistic that a violent death of a political reporter is not more than just random crime.

I am prepared to believe the worst because it seems plausible.

To quote Edna Mode:
"Luck favors the prepared, darling." ~The Incredibles
I hope I am not preparing myself for a visit from CIFA.

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