Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Satire Takes a Holiday

This is amazing. At Jesus' General, satire moves over for a sobering look at some Persons of Interest.

I remember the anger and confusion roiling in our collective souls after 9/11 because it was a prominent part of my psyche for days. I remember thinking that God had something to say to us and we had better listen closely. I also remember the dismay I felt as our leaders began to go down paths that I had not only not imagined but found completely off track.

I thought that our interactions with one another in the days following the attacks needed to be thoughtful, deliberate, considerate, and done with an eye toward reconciliation. Boy, was I wrong.

One of the "reasons" given for heading off down the war path was to uproot terrorism in all its forms - to nip it in the bud, to cut it off before it had a chance to flower and go to seed. The actions depicted in the documentary above prove that our intentions have been completely undermined by our actions.

Read the General's report and tell yourself that those individuals who were detained have NOT been radicalized by our efforts. Look at those faces. They are our new enemies. They once were our friends.

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